After regaling us with an Unemployment Panel Chart a week ago, Paresh picked out yet another chart from the NYT pages and asked us to recreate it and improve it in the process. The chart in question is a dot-plot (learn about them here ), that shows the instances of repeat violations by big wall street firms after promising the government never to breach such acts again. Data shows 29 violations of section 17(a) of the Securities Act and 16 infringements of section 15(c) of the Securities Exchange Act between 1997 - 2011. The chart was easy to replicate in Excel. For improvement, I shaded every repeat instance in a different colour and added labels to show the count.
This used to be a blog about data visualization using MS Excel. I have moved on from adding new articles to it because it is no longer a part of my core professional responsibility. That said, this blog remains a memoir of wonderful times in my life and I hope the charts give you the same joy and inspiration I enjoyed while creating them. Thank you for visiting.